Love, Show Me

this fragile, fragrant, powerful force,
holding universes and lives together,
this elusive feeling we chase,
not knowing the extreme of it
nor the fire it holds.
That the answer to all riddles?

Love, show me!
Show me your face in the pink of the rising sun,
your force in the wind, the rain, the snow.
Your beauty in birds flying above, bugs crawling below,
fish swimming in the sea,
love, show me,
the cradle and chalice of life!

Love, show me your face in nature,
in the force of the earthquake, the tsunami,
the hurricanes devastating lives.
Let me see you in accidents,
and in the acts of man leaving
destruction, hearts shattered, minds blown.

Love, show me!
Show me the frailty in people bustling by,
their aching hearts,
their dreams, their ambitions, their fears.
Let me see their kindness,
their forgiveness, their every good deed.

Love, show me
the meaning in worlds colliding,
powers clashing,
in death and destruction,
and in the face of pervasive evil,
show me my need of you!

Most of all,
show me your face in all that is,
in the wonder of life,
in kindness, in forgiveness,
in the bliss of being born, of being human, and
in the toothlessness of death.

Love, show me my heart!

Love, show me!